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Sunday, August 21, 2005

TERM 1 AY 2005-2006

It's the end
of the wonderful summer I had.
Of colourful, warm, vibrant memories
whilst I soak with glee
in the bright sunshine of summer.
To you,
I bid adieu.

Convocation 2005 - Went pretty smoothly, took some photos with fellow mates. Any more of these formal events requiring closed-toe shoes will result in total disfiguration of my poor toes/feet. Many thanks to Felix who rescued me with two plasters from Watsons which managed to somewhat alleviate the damage done, emerging relatively unscathed with two blisters. Whoopee. :)

For you SMU blur kings/queens, school starts tomorrow! Please don't forget to bring your matric card; all hell will break loose if you do. Or worse, you'll be unable to go to class/get discounts at Kopitiam/trapped in basement/level one unable to enter school/lifts. At least have a friend who has a matric card ok?

[This part of the post has been lost by Blogger. I wrote an entire paragraph on school all gone. GAHHHHHH.]

Attempting to rewrite what's been erased or rather, what's remembered, my poor memory fails me unfortunately. All I can say is, with the new campus, I feel like a freshman all over, yet to discover the secrets of the school ie. shortcuts to classrooms/eating places, most spacious/comfortable/sunny/conducive GSR, photogenic spots around school etc. A freshie I may seem to be, albeit not as bright-eyed as before.

I am, after all, a sophomore. :)

To Gracia, Sandeep and Paul: I'll see you guys during class tomorrow! Here's to a another term filled with boredom, bitching, surreptitious chit-chat sessions during class, long project meetings, tests ie. school. :)