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Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Photo Block

Let's talk of love in summer
Pretty girls and boys flock together
You my friend have yet to see
Flowers blooming for you and me

If someone were to ask me what I've been up to lately, I'd be rendered speechless. Can't really describe the turn my life has taken, where busy is but a word, where the things I'm doing are too many to be listed, too varied to be chucked into a category for the lazy girl in me. Then again, where lazy is but a word, shall we start the rambling all over again?

I need to go on a photo-taking expedition soon before I go nuts staring at the stale photos in my laptop, trying to figure out which ones to upload to my blog, and have my mom telling me that I'm crazy over photos. The fact that she's already done so is certainly beside the point. This reminds me. I've got emailers to design and entries to submit for competitions. Nooooooo. I think my laptop is sick of me working it to death, squeezing its scant RAM for all its worth, and then it'll go on strike by hanging on me at the most crucial moment. I've always thought my laptop to be male. Talk about loyalty. So much for having just passed our one-year-anniversary. An upgrade is due when I've got the cash. Grrr.

I want to get a DSLR. Sponsors anyone?


deja said...

why do you want a dslr when point and shoot compacts are capable of taking the same shots? AWARD WINNING ONES even? especially when to do that you have to carry 6 1.2k ++ 'compact' digitals to do the job :D

Syuhada said...

Oh well, photography's a rather expensive hobby eh? Better find myself a sugar daddy while I'm at it. ;)

For those interested to know what we're talking about, check out http://blog.photoblogs.org/2005/07/you_dont_need_a.html for an article entitled "You don't need a DSLR - Magnum photographer and his digicams". *chuckles*