There he found me,
All in sweet serenity;
A rose not by any other name,
Things would never be the same.
Got back 2 midterms and whilst we wait for the last one to be returned, it was quite the irony that this one was done in week 6, before the other midterms were done.
Was talking to lovely Alexia earlier on and we were pondering over how small the world really is, how SMU was a nice fresh start for the both of us, how RGS girls are and many more little things till we didn't notice how swiftly the time flew past. One of my favourite things about travelling overseas is that you actually spend time to do things you hardly get to do in the frenetic pace of life in Singapore; how time seems to move slowly when you are away from home, how the air seems to smell better and fresher, how the sky seems to be more blue. There is ample time for you to share your tiny snippets of life with your travelling partner(s) and in the process, everyone gets to know everyone that little bit better.
I must say that in my 20 years (and counting) of living, I have been through so many phases, changes and experiences that were really eye-opening, character-building and sometimes dumb, but still character-building. I'm still looking forward to a lot more that life has to offer me; else I'll go round looking. Would I dare to embrace the inner me and bring it out, or choose who I prefer to be in that particular situation or time?
"...wanting to make a difference in society and possibly, the world..." was what I wrote in my career essay. The instructor wrote a little comment asking me to "perhaps choose a more specific career goal...?" Ahh, what can one write if one hasn't found his calling, especially since he found his at the age of 40. Where then, does one draw the fine balance of realism and idealism?
There are so many things in life that we will never be able to understand, but that doesn't mean we should never try to.