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Saturday, February 07, 2009

Because love is all you need

- Fremantle, Perth, 2008 -

The past week has been another rough week, with a high fever and a throat infection that left me bedridden and voiceless for a few days. It still hurts to speak and I still cough every minute; I really pray that the following week (and the weeks to come) will be a much easier one on the body and soul.

The past week was also full of good news and bad news, but in my half-drugged torpor, all I could think about was when my voice was going to come back and when my chest will stop feeling sore from all that coughing, which is still all that I can think about these days.

So pardon me if I have not been in a good mood, if I have not been finding your wisecracks amusing or if you have suffered the brunt of a significantly shortened fuse. Now is just not a good time, unless you are going to be bringing me some love, or lucre, or both.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....