shoehada's photos More of shoehada's photos

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Took my mom to go on the DHL hot air balloon ride with me; tickets were free (long story!) and we were just in time to catch the sunset during the ride. Lovely view all around, do go if you have $23 (for adults) to spare. :) All the best for those still with exams! (In case you're wondering, I still have 2 more exams. It's another long story as to why I'm happily gallivanting away. :P)

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Runway - This shot is reminiscent of watching an old film that kept skipping; taken while waiting for the plane to take off and head to Cambodia. On a happier note, I'm done with all my papers for this semester; have exams the whole of next week but I'm already in the holidaying mood! Plenty of administrative stuff to settle - collect tickets I won to ride DHL hot air balloon, buy insurance, make visa, pack and oh yes, study for exams. :P

Saturday, November 11, 2006

For those complaining about my atrocious pink and narcisisstic (ie. collage of baby photos) desktop theme, here's finally something eye-pleasing, at least to me. One more week of madness to go!

Birthday Boy - Latest addition to my collection of nieces and nephews as of yesterday. Amanda, he shares the same birthday as you then! =) Aaaahhhh I so need a new camera!! Thanks JJ for lending me yours!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

What are you doing?

So for those yet to know, my poor camera is spoilt, suffering from the same problem it had slightly more than a year ago. The lens would not retract back into its case and there's focus error whenever I start the camera.. Alas I no longer have warranty and I'm quite sure it'd cost quite a bit to replace the lens with a new one. Hence, I'm faced with the dilemma (for 2 weeks now!) of getting a new camera versus repairing this old one. & if I were to get a new camera, should I get a DSLR or should I just get a simple point & shoot.. With me heading to France in less than 2 months, I'd better solve that dilemma real soon!!
2 more weeks to Nov 15 - the date when my last paper is due.. Between that and now are 1 project & slides, individual paper, group presentation, group paper, group presentation & individual paper. I know I should not be complaining but it is really ridiculous that there's so much work to do that one can't even find the time to study which in my opinion, defeats the purpose of school. I want to gain knowledge, not skills on how to manage errant groupmates and surviving by the minute. Important skills they may be nonetheless, but there's a limit to stretching people. Kudos to those who are enjoying school right now; I can say for sure you are rare.
Here's a common thing to hear from me nowadays: I'm just a poor socsc girl who should not be made to look at vb codes...