shoehada's photos More of shoehada's photos

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Indestructible Bottle for the Baby Monster

Grandfatherly Love

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Courtesy of Sandeep's iBook - Taken during Virtuoso last year but a grim reminder of what my life has been these past weeks and the weeks to come. I do wish term papers can be done on their own or that my fingers can move over these keys and play them as beautifully as the Pianist would, at the same time, churning out ideas and carefully scripted sentences at the speed of 1500 words/hour. It's the season for late nights, once again.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I have a love-hate relationship with the cab companies and their drivers; they should make me their most loyal customer and start giving me better deals. If ever they start a frequent-cabber system akin to the frequent-flyer for the airlines, I'd win anybody hands down.